CEO and Founder's Message

On November 21st, we began the initiative. We accepted the challenge of developing, representing, and serving medical and health services to healthcare professionals and the public through advocacy, educational programs, research, publishing articles and journals, consulting in the fields of medicine and health, as well as other facilities and services relating to medical and health sciences services committed to health improvement and creating healthier lives (AGE).

We were in a race against time. We accepted the challenge to build an entire academic organization in medical and health sciences services committed to health improvement and building healthier lives in India by educating people.

By the grace of Allah, we were able to fulfill our vision of providing high-quality education and healthcare, valuing research, contributing to knowledge, and serving societies globally through learning, teaching, creativity, innovation, and lifelong learning while utilizing current and emerging technologies. We achieved regional leadership and global excellence because of our capacity to produce cutting-edge, affordable medical and healthcare services.

What increases our excellence is the outstanding education of our participants, both in the classroom and in simulated skilled areas. Using the talent and enthusiasm of our staff and educators, we would be able to achieve our organization's mission, vision, and goals. We thank and extend our gratitude to those who participated in the construction process and whose efforts have been instrumental.

The organization was able to overcome in a short period to train and educate distinct competencies to the labor market in the science of medicine and healthcare system and was also able to complete the process towards excellence and leadership.

Our research's mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global levels in the educational, medical, and healthcare systems.

To summarize, the organization has ambitions and targets that need to complete in construction and development.

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